[SEL] Mechanical geniuses

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 05:52:42 PST 2007

Yup, I remember back about 1984 selling a car to a guy I worked with, Howie.
I put the car together from junk and had $4.32 spent on it.
I drove the car for two years and found no problems.
I sold it to him for a mere $400 and two weeks later he came to work in a different car and told me I sold him junk.  The engine was busted.
I had a couple more of those engines and I was just starting to think about replacing the engine for him when another guy came up to me and said not to.
He told me he had a couple rides in that car and Howie had been ragging on it so hard he was surprised it lasted two weeks.  He said Howie kept laughing as he showed him how he could peg the tach. with that engine.

The car was a 1970 Opel with a 1900 cc engine and four speed tranny.
I had put the 1972 Opel Manta Ralley tach. in it.

Those engines red-lined at 7200 RPM and the needle pegged at just over 9000 RPM.

The only way I ever pegged one of those tachs. was by slamming the tranny into 2nd gear at 100 MPH and popping the clutch.     Fastest way I knew to take a 90 degree turn.  8>))

Alan Bowen
Williamsburg, Michigan

Richard Fink Sr <nancydick at pennswoods.net> wrote: Another good one i need to remember

At 08:58 PM 12/15/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>How about the line lot warranty?
>Once you cross the line at the end of the lot it's your problem.
>Steve W.
>Firefighter,EMT,Fire Police
>VanHornesville Vol. Fire Dept
>Richard Fink Sr wrote:
> > Tony never heard of that warranty before that is a good one.  I like it 8-)
> > R Fink
> > PA
> >
> >
> >
> > At 01:17 PM 12/15/2007 -0600, you wrote:
> >> He was probably 17-18.  Obviously he knew nothing about
> >> cars.  Needless to say he DIDN'T get his money back.  I told him even
> >> if the trannsmission WAS slipping he wouldn't have got his money back
> >> since I put a "tail light" warranty on all the cars I sell.  When I
> >> can no longer see the tail lights, then the warranty has expired.
> >>
> >> -Tony
> >>
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