[SEL] My new R&V engine is home

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Mon Aug 6 06:41:07 PDT 2007

Look what followed me home, well I can't start this story like we usually 
do, this sucker has taken nearly twelve months to follow me home ending its 
21,000 mile journey and it is thanks to many good friends and new 
For those of you on the ATIS List my new vertical R&V 2hp engine arrived in 
Sydney from the USA last week and I went down Friday and picked it up.
I arrived home this afternoon from Sydney and Newcastle just in time to have 
a shower and go to work. Got home from work 9pm and answered a few emails 
then bed. Engine still in trailer and still covered.
I know if I show Kaye the engine now she will say all that money and heart 
ache just for that!!!!!!!!!!!! Women, don't ya just love them.;-)) they have 
no idea nor do we want then too..
Tomorrow I play, after Kaye goes to work, Sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't 
tell her. ;-)) I will add all the new pieces I had cast and then show her a 
photo when she gets home, as tomorrow it will be stripped to the ground in 
about 2 hours.
I very rarely show Kaye the engines I restore before I start, they appear in 
my shop and she never comes out there.(lucky hey) She has no idea how many 
engines I have either ;-))
She always likes the finished job though.

Many photos via my web site starting maybe tomorrow, will let you all know 

Peter, Oz 

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