[SEL] Deere E ignitor needed and a question
tony rehberg
reh5390 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 4 20:23:26 PDT 2007
Not related to an Ed Rehberg.
Live in northern Il, Rock City,
Tony Rehberg
JIM KIRKES <jd.kirkes at verizon.net> wrote:
Hi Tony,
I wish I couild help you out but I am not familar with Deere engines. But I
do have a question. Do you know a Ed Rehberg living somewhere in
the Boise Idaho area? He is probably retired now and used to work for
Hewlett-Packard. One more, where do you live?
Jim and Diane Kirkes
Hemet, CA
jd.kirkes at verizon.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "tony rehberg"
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:50 AM
Subject: [SEL] Deere E ignitor needed and a question
> Hello to all,
> Im new to the list.
> I picked up a deere e 1 1/2 hp last week and and am in need of an ignitor
> for it, If any one can help or knows where i can find one it would be
> appricated.
> one oddity on this motor that I have not seen before. The fuel line exits
> the tank at the lower front and not through the case.. The case is not
> drilled for the standard line and it dosnt appear to have been welded over
> but i have not got it torn apart yet to see the inside. Can anyone shed
> some light on this. Also it does not have a serial tag, governor cover is
> not drilled. the only holes i find are on the sub base at the crank end
> about 3 inches apart.
> Thanks
> Tony Rehberg
> reh5390 at yahoo.com
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