[SEL] test...now 33...OT

Joseph L Betz jlb94 at juno.com
Tue Apr 17 07:39:15 PDT 2007

why does some people think that making more laws solve the problem?
=        =        =        =        =        =        =        =        =
       =        =        
Because the "People" demand that "Government" do something - 
right or wrong.

Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
jlb94 at juno.com - - - www.oldengine.org/members/betz
   ,-._,-.      http://community.webshots.com/user/pipbetz
   \/)"(\/      " Traders, Moneylenders and Pimps 
  (_o_)                   are playing their trade in the temple."

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