[SEL] Fuel Pump Seat Leaking

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Thu Apr 12 21:43:45 PDT 2007

Hi Paul
I have a number of wooden dowels that have various stainless steel balls 
glued to the ends of them. I find one that is the diameter of the ball on 
the job and use very fine grinding paste and oil, then go as fine as Brasso 
polishing liquid (do you guys have that over there?) I just rotate the dowel 
as you would grinding normal engine valves, lifting and dropping as you 
rotate. Works a treat for me.
I think most balls are common sizes eg. 5/32", 3/16", 1/4", 5/16" etc

Peter, Oz

> Hey gang what is the best way to resurface a ball seat on a fuel pump, 
> mine is leaking down and it has new check balls in it.
> Paul
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