[SEL] Ray France Auction

Gary Epps garyepps at fidnet.com
Wed Sep 27 22:33:52 PDT 2006

When visiting Ray's collection several years ago with Ted Brookover, Ted 
pointed out several of Ray's engines that he (Ted) had restored for Ray.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Younger" <sluggo54 at hotmail.com>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:39 PM
Subject: [SEL] Ray France Auction

>>>Here is an interesting looking auction sale for SEL members that live a
> reasonable driving distance from Kansas City. Too far away for me to 
> attend.
>>>Don Fleming
>>>Kipling, Sk. Canada
>><d.fleming at sasktel.net>
> As you can see from the pictures, Ray has an excellent eye for choosing 
> his toys.  Most of Ray's engines are museum quality restorations.  You 
> will likely see things there you've not seen before.
> I haven't been active in MoKan Antique Power Association for a couple of 
> years, but Ray is/was the president of the club for some  years, and 
> graciously provides/provided the meeting place.  If you are within range, 
> this will be  fine auction.
> Probably Tim Christoff can provide more info if anyone needs it.
> Bruce Younger
> 05G HHC 313 RR Bn 3/67-4/68
> Madison, SD
> sluggo54 at hotmail.com
> "There is no hunting like the hunting of a man and those that have hunted 
> armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else 
> thereafter."
> E. Hemingway
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