[SEL] Re: Question for Curt - Re: Portland 2006 pictures.....finally!

Mike Tucker oldironnut at alltel.net
Wed Sep 27 12:10:47 PDT 2006

>>#177 looks as if the governor is tensioned with rubber bands? !!


I'll fess up to owning the Famous with rubber bands tensioning the 
governor!  The engine, a 1907 IHC Famous sold as an Osborne, is 
mounted on a buzz saw rig and I had only finished putting the saw rig 
back together and getting it belted up the week before Portland.  The 
springs that I had on the governor were a good tension for running 
the engine slow but I didn't have time to try a handful of springs to 
find the right combination of springs to run fast enough to saw.  So, 
rubber bands were called into action and they did their job, they 
didn't look very pretty but they did their job :-)!

See ya',
Mike Tucker
Midway, Kentucky, USA

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