[SEL] drill sizes for 7BA clear and 7BA tap

Nick Holden nick at holden1.net
Sat Sep 23 12:35:17 PDT 2006

Look hear
It has all types of drill sizes
Banbury (UK)
-------Original Message-------
From: David Heggie
Date: 09/23/06 20:26:41
To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
Subject: [SEL] drill sizes for 7BA clear and 7BA tap
Hi All.
Can you please advise me where to look, or  if you have the information on
the drill size in inches or metric to drill a 7BA clear and a 7BA tap. I
also need the same for BA 2 thru 8.
I am working on a Stuart 10V . Any other information would be most
I am retired and learning to operate a mill and lathe and wish to make
different models. I have some hit and miss engines and a range of maytag and
iron horse kick start engines.
thank you
david heggie
lachute,quebec canada
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