[S] Re: [SEL] OT. To the aussies

Mick Christie mickc at vic.australis.com.au
Tue Sep 5 04:20:17 PDT 2006

Absolutly well said Russell, what he did for Australia and for wildlife 
conservation in Australia and around the world was an bloody fantastic! He 
touched the hearts of many and will live on as one of Australia's greatest 
wildlife conservationists.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Russell Gilbert" <russell at ncable.com.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: [S] Re: [SEL] OT. To the aussies

> Sorry Pete but you will be short of support on this one.  I agree
> that the guy is out there way past normality. He did things that make
> us Aussies feel that his days were numbered. Mind you not this way.
> If you told me he died from a snake bite or the like I would say
> "Well what did you expect" None the less this guy has done wonders
> for Australian tourism. He has made many of the un-educated more
> aware of the need to respect wildlife along the greatly populated
> east cost. He also employed 500 locals in his local community. He
> rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous but never lost focus on who
> he was and his cause. I'm not much of a greenie I tell you that. But
> he was one of a kind and all done for the better good. Even if his
> ways were different to what a not so ex centric crock hunter may be.
> His got my respect for what he has done for awareness to wildlife
> etc. Doesn't mean I would have had him around for dinner. Just paying
> credit where credit is due.
> Russell
> At 09:46 AM 5/09/2006, you wrote:
>>He was nothing special.......there are thousands of people in this
>>country that risk their lives every day in their normal days work .
>>Just think about the professional Abalone divers who work in Great
>>White Shark infested waters in the Southern Ocean. Sky
>>Divers,Policemen ,Fire men ,Big Wave Surfers ,Human Cannonballs  etc
>>etc ............
>>TV can turn Bullshit into a cult  and a quid so easily....a state
>>funeral is taking it a bit too far!
>>By the way ...there is another Crocodile Man ,Malcolm Douglas ,not
>>quite the show man as was the late Mr Irwin .
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Dickerson" 
>><bill at antique-engines.com>
>>To: "'The SEL email discussion list'" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>>Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:10 PM
>>Subject: RE: [SEL] OT. To the aussies
>>>Agreed - and for those wondering:
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>>[mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of rex002
>>>Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 8:41 AM
>>>To: The SEL email discussion list
>>>Subject: [SEL] OT. To the aussies
>>>I  would like to express my sorrow for the loss Of Australian Steve Irwin 
>>>may the lord be with him and his family and all his fans , the world will
>>>miss him
>>>Rex Hinz
>>>SEL mailing list
>>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>>SEL mailing list
>>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>SEL mailing list
>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
> Russell Gilbert
> Sunny Sunraysia
> russell at ncable.com.au
> http://community.webshots.com/user/russellsrelics
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