[SEL] Hurst Ranch Historical Center

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Thu Oct 26 08:23:48 PDT 2006

> You're missing that a bit of admission was present in his message  
> of envy.  The "a Mac makes it easy" comment is an admission that  
> it's hard on a PC!  They can deny but they know >:-}!
> BTW, I thought the presentation was GREAT!

Paul, Mike et al., thanks for the encouragement.  Mike, didn't you  
say that your Mac is really, really old.  Yet it plays videos well?   
How can that be, when modern Windows computers don't play video  
well?  It's very odd, don't you think?  Someone ought to call Bill  
Gates and ask him what's up.

Even stranger is the controversy and outrage expressed over an issue  
so insignificant.  This subject is becoming worse than the Smoking  
Maytag Controversy.

Can't we all just get along?

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