[SEL] Hurst Ranch Historical Center

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Wed Oct 25 12:58:11 PDT 2006

Hey Rob,

I'm not crazy about the Mac-induced changes in how you report engine
shows.  Just because a Mac makes it easy, doesn't mean that it should
be done.  The style you used previously was excellent.  One could quickly
run one's eyeballs down the list of photos and view what was of interest.
You could view 'em in any order, returning to a given pic as interest
dictated, and totally skipping those that didn't sound interesting.
Here's a recent example...  http://engines.rustyiron.com/school06/index.html

A collection of thumbnails is also a useful format.

The slide show is a totally different kettle of fish.

Obviously, this is just one person's opinion.

See ya,  Arnie

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Rob Skinner wrote:

> Slideshow from Saturday:
> http://engines.rustyiron.com/hurst06/

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