[SEL] Computer Question OT
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Sun Oct 15 11:04:50 PDT 2006
It depends on the mouse. If your wheel is also a button it can be
assigned to any function the other buttons can. I usually keep mine set
to universal scroll since it makes websites easier to read.
Joseph L Betz wrote:
> I didn't know you can do that Gary,
> If someone knows how, please post it.
> There is a Single Click & Double Click for the mouse button but not the
> wheel.
> Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
> jlb94 at juno.com - - - www.oldengine.org/members/betz
> ,-._,-. http://community.webshots.com/user/pipbetz
> \/)"(\/ Remember when TV bloopers were a rare mistake -
> (_o_) not the entire show?
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Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York
Pacifism - The theory that if they'd fed
Jeffrey Dahmer enough human flesh,
he'd have become a vegan.
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