[SEL] Oil bath air filter help needed

John Hall jthall at worldnet.att.net
Mon Oct 2 18:59:34 PDT 2006

Try McMaster-Carr www.Mcmaster.com
Search for steel mesh. Some of our equipment at work uses a metal mesh air 
filter---sort of like the stainless steel kitchen scrubbing pads. I would be 
concerned about getting too much filtration and causing the air flow to be 
resticted. If the debris is just what the mice ate yesterday, maybe soaking 
for a few days in a strong cleaning solution would dissolve it?

John Hall
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <cgandree at mchsi.com>
To: "Old eng list" <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>; "SEL Lists" 
<sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 6:11 AM
Subject: [SEL] Oil bath air filter help needed

> Need some help with rebuilding a oil bath air filter on my JD LUC engine. 
> It
> seems that while in storage the extension hose attached to the carb was 
> left
> laying off and mice built one heck of a nest inside.  While taking the 
> unit
> apart discovered that lots of debrie is now imbeded in the "steel wool" 
> like
> filter material making it almost imposible to clean out.  What can I use 
> in
> place of or does any one know where I can get that type of material?
> thank you in advance,
> Curt Andree
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