[SEL] Le Roi mixer
Germoamer at aol.com
Germoamer at aol.com
Tue Nov 28 17:04:04 PST 2006
I received the below note from Dana requesting information about Le Roi
Engines, which I know nothing about except for what is in BRB. Anyone that can
help her contact her directly.
<<Hi Tom
I have an old cement mixer with a Le Roi 2 cylinder engine. I've been trying
for sometime now to identify the manufacturer and the approximate date of
manufacture. Any ideas on this or would you know anyone who would know something
about this? I live in Bourne Massachusetts. Thanks in advance for any help
with this.
Dana Harding
dwharding23 at comcast.net (Dana Harding)>>
Tom Schmutz
Concord, Va. USA
Germoamer at aol.com
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