[SEL] OT mouse nest found

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Wed Nov 1 03:16:36 PST 2006

Just to bring everyone up to date who tried to help with my dead mouse delima 
in the wifes Toyota.  Last night after tearing out the glove box I discovered 
the internal air filter compartment.  After some difficulty in even removing 
the cover due to the very extensive packing material jamed in and around the 
paper filter (what was left of it) there was the was the damn nest made up of 
just about every known and unknown bits of material.  Found five dead mice in 
the nest.  Poor buggers had died since I killed the mom several nights ago.  
After inspecting with a mirror and bright light discovered one of the little 
beggers had stuck between the plastic fins of the squirrel cage fan of the 
blower and was rotting to high heaven.  As yet I am not able to totall remove 
the fan and motor assemble so looking for some sort deoderant to mask the 
smell other then skunk piss (Arnie your no help as usual!).  I am trying to 
avoid tearing all the wiring harness and half the underside of the dash board 
out to get that fan unit out for better cleaning.
Thanks to all who gave good suggestions.

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