[SEL] GEM Publication Change

Duncan Denman canuckiron at wightman.ca
Sun May 28 07:43:15 PDT 2006

It is sure unfortunate but I bet they are having a heck of a time 
getting content for monthly issues. The convienance of the internet and 
e-mail will surely spell the end of a lot of printed publications down 
the road.
Sad really.


Judge Tommy Turner wrote:

> I'm sure most of you have received your letter from the GEM as I have 
> noting the changes that will be made in the publication dates of the 
> GEM.  We'll soon be going to a Bi Monthly publication meaning you'll 
> get one magazine every other month.  I know that business dictates 
> things like this happen but I hate to see it.  I can remember the days 
> when it was in the bi monthly format and it seemed like a long time 
> between issues.  Steam Traction (for those of you that receive it) 
> will be going to a quarterly (3 month) publication date.
> Tommy Turner
> Magnolia, KY
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Duncan Denman
Ayton, Ontario
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