[SEL] Wendel's BYB Volume 2

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Sun May 21 11:07:09 PDT 2006

Hi All,
         If you get a deal on this book I would like to get a few copies 
here (maybe 3) = I logged on to the site in Arnies post and typed out an 
email to Wendel but the site refused to send it and I just got error messages.
         I'm registered with Paypal to send money to anyone in the world 
who has email (thanks to Arnie and the Ruston Hornsby rescue for the 
Internal Fire Museum (Paul Evans) but cannot pay direct through PayPal - 
for some or other reason they do not recognise South Africa !.

         I'm not overly concerned with getting a discount on the book 
(although always welcome) but if any of you guys would be prepared to order 
it for me (posted to South Africa - and maybe 3 or more copies) then I 
would remit the money to you first and once you have it you could send the 
books to me - is that fair or not?
Best regards
Jerry Evans

At 06:00 PM 21/05/2006, you wrote:
>Message: 12
>Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 11:39:05 +0000
>From: cgandree at mchsi.com
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Wendel's BYB Volume 2
>Gee Arnie maybe we should contact Wendel and ask him for a group price for
>everybody on the list.....never know might get a break on price for quantity.
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> > Well, it looks like it's a rumor no longer.  The BYB Volume 2 is ready 
> to go.
> > Check it out:  http://www.enginads.com/bigengin.cgi/read/36903
> >
> > BOOK FS: BYB Volume 2 (Iowa)
> >
> > Advertised By: Charles Wendel <Send E-Mail>
> > Date: Monday, 15 May 2006, at 9:13 p.m.
> >
> > American Gas Engines Volume 2 is completed! 416 pages of all different 
> engines
> > than Volume 1. The new book is hardcover and matches the original one 
> like we
> > reprinted a year ago. We have no idea how many to get printed, so 
> here's the
> > deal: The book will sell at $60, but we will pay the postage if you send us
> > your prepublication order. That's $60 postpaid in the US. Or, if you 
> need to
> > replace Volume 1, we will give you a special deal of $110 for both 
> Volume 1 and
> > Volume 2, and we'll ship them to you together, postage paid! We hope 
> Volume 2
> > to be ready the end of June. BYB 1 AND BYB 2 will give you a thousand 
> pages of
> > engines! Cash, check or money order, no PayPal or credit cards or open
> > accounts. C. H. Wendel, The Prairie Press, 4415 F Street, Amana, Iowa 
> 52203
> >
> > See ya,  Arnie
> >
> > Arnie Fero
> > Pittsburgh, PA
> > fero_ah at city-net.com

Best regards
Jerry Evans.

Visit our website: www.databak.co.za  

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