[SEL] RE-Engine Cleaner

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Sun May 21 05:29:52 PDT 2006

> Thanks to all who replied about how to clean our 
> Blackstone,we ended up using dishwasher  liquid and our 
> hands,I have put a photo of the first clean on our photo
> at http://members.optusnet.com.au/~briwatt/ thanks for all

> the advice and information.

Hi Brian and David,
Every time I visit your web page I end up drooling all over
the keyboard;  that's a sweet pile of iron you guys have.  

The finish on your Blackie is incredible!  Who would have
guessed all that original paint was preserved underneath
that coating of dirt?  

In the picture of the engine while it is still in the
enginehouse, there is a tray beneath the air inlet for the
fuel mixer.  What's the procedure for using that?


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