[SEL] Cooper Corliss Engine in Dayton, OH

Patrick M Livingstone pml1 at bigpond.net.au
Sat May 13 18:35:03 PDT 2006

Hi Rick,
	That is a lovely looking engine. Is all the plating of parts
original? The only thing I can fault the engine on is the fact that it does
not look like it is operational or if it is they do an excellent job of
cleaning it up.

Patrick M Livingstone
Leichhardt NSW
-----Original Message-----
Several years ago I made acquaintance with a beautiful cross compound
corliss generating engine at the Carillon Historical Park in Dayton. The
first time I saw her the building was closed so I only got a look through
the windows. This time I could go inside and took a bunch of pictures.


The engine is a 26" x 54" x 60" horizontal cross compound built in 1902 by
the C&G Cooper Co. in Mount Vernon, OH for the National Cash Register
Company in Dayton. It drove a 230VAC 800KW alternator providing electrical
power for the plant. She is rated at 1200 HP and running at 80 rpm with a
20' flywheel.

This is perhaps the most beautiful stationary steam engine in existence in
the US and certainly one of the best kept secrets. The engine is well cared
for and housed in a heated brick building with a dehumidifier in the
flywheel pit. Certainly a first class preservation effort for stationary
steam power that has been moved from its original foundations to a new site.

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