[SEL] recipes........is this OT?

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Thu May 4 07:09:23 PDT 2006

G'day Pete,

Now that may just be one of the lamest hissy-fit posts to hit the SEL in
years.  You CLEARLY don't pay attention mate.  Everyone who is really into
olde engines (as opposed to pointless bitching) is aware that FOOD (and
hence recipies) is an integral part of the enjoyment of the hobby.  In
fact the SEL Cookbook was the highlight of the 2001 SEL Charity Auction.

See http://www.insulate.co.uk/helen/cookbook.htm

Now I can see that this will present you with several serious problems.
If you download a copy of the SEL Cookbook you would be honor-bound to
send a contribution to Spencer, said contribution going to good
charitable work.  However since engine-related charities are in the
minority, that would obviously distress you greatly.  Second, if you
happened to actually READ the cookbook, you might find that your engine
mates have broad-ranging tastes in food to be enjoyed at engine shows and
that they have pretty keen writing skills and a good sense of humor too.
All of which you apparently lack.

So mate, instead of pitching a hissy-fit, how about contributing something
useful?  BTW, which was your favorite recipe in the SEL Cookbook?
Personally, I like the Possibly Possum Road Kill Chili, but the
hopper-cooking recipies are pretty neat as is the section on brats!  YUM,
I'm starting to get hungry, I better go fire up an engine.

See ya,  Arnie

PS - The FINEST black pudding I ever enjoyed was hopper-cooked in Dave
Croft's Danish Uller at the 1000 Engine Rally in 2001.  Double YUM!

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

On Thu, 4 May 2006, peter ogborne wrote:

> Take six fresh eggs , half a cup of brown sugar, one potatoes and a brown
> onion.Put these in your blender and......................................oh
> shit I forgot this is an engine and machinery list please forgive me!
> Peter Ogborne
> Little Grove ,Albany
> West Australia
> ''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
> jopeter at omninet.net.au

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