[SEL] O.T. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Wed Mar 29 18:20:13 PST 2006

Hi Art, 
Glad to hear you got patched up and are now ready for action
again.  It's a good thing you waited until the 21st century
to get your procedure done.  

A few years ago I did service for a cardiac research
facility.  One day I was snooping around and a team of docs
had a dog all sliced open with tubes going all over the
place.  Later I asked the chief of the facility what they
were up to.  He said they were working on a method of
repairing aortas (aortae?), because a lot of people died
from aneurisms, but there wasn't much they could do to help.
He said that some day they would be able to repair aortas
and save people.  I'm still amazed.  Good on ya.


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