[SEL] another old engine, closer to divorce

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Wed Jun 21 02:42:10 PDT 2006

Gee Rex I am jealous....does that mean you won't have room for the "butt 
buggy" this year????   So where's the pics?
Curt Andree

> Hi all;
> Picked up a Baker Monitor one and a quarter horse engine yesterday and it don't 
> need any fixen , it runs has paint , What more could I ask for ?  The ole Dodge 
> has three more bullet holes in it when my Wife saw me comming up the drive with 
> the iron in the back (forth shot missed) . I guess she don't understand this 
> engine will be worth millions next year :-)
>    Anyway I met one of the coolest engine collectors in Wisconsin at the 
> Plainfield Wi. show and made the deal ,Went to his home on Saturday for the 
> Engine , he has many engines and tractors and demonstrated a few of his best , 
> it made my day !,  We (a a friend with me) pulled a few ticks off his old black 
> lab while he answerd the phone in his house and maeveled at all the engines in 
> front of us , He came back out and showed us more of his collection  in three  
> more old sheads . Wow what a great guy , He is now added to my remember forever 
> list , . 
>    I now own the Baker and will bring it to the Badger Steam And Gas Show in 
> August ,  I still need a baker pump to hook to the monitor but should have one 
> by then ,
> Rex
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