[SEL] Engine help needed

Kerry Morris ozhornsby at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 20 05:03:42 PDT 2006

Received a mail from a chap from Canberra who had an
engine stolen on the Saturday night of the Canberra
rally, not sure if at the rally grounds of sailing but
be on the look out for the Vinco 2.5 hp.


His mail

> Hi Kerry.
> I was browsing and saw the image of my engine, (the
second of the
> two).
> I remember you taking that image whilst at the
Queanbeyan Heritage
> Engine Rally Saturday 25th March.
> Sorry to report that that engine and a Twin Lucas
magneto was stolen
> out of my car by some b---- that Saturday evening
when I went for an
> evening sail on Lake Burley Griffin.
> I really appreciate you taking this image because I
can forward it on
> to the Police for their positive ID, should they
ever recover the
> engine. Could you please send me an electronic
version by email ? Also,
> do you happen to have noticed anyone taking unusual
interest in the
> little engine that Saturday?
> Any help in tracking it and the Lucas magneto down
would be
> greatlyappreciated.
> Appreciated.
> John
> John Kemister.
> Senior Conservator, Large Technology.
> Australian War Memorial.
> Canberra. ACT. Australia.
> Ph 61 262434492, Fax 61 2 62434449 

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