[SEL] Re: SEL Digest, Vol 27, Issue 9

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Sat Jun 10 10:11:38 PDT 2006

At 06:00 PM 10/06/2006, you wrote:
>Subject: [SEL] Fero Air Pump Company
>To: Stationary Engine List <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>,   Old
>         Engine <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
>Message-ID: <Pine.BSF.4.51.0606091445180.81493 at vegeta.city-net.com>
>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>Hi Folks,
>Once again Dolly has done her webbing magic and turned one of my sow's
>ears into a silk purse.  The link below will take you to a description of
>the Fero Air Pump Company.  This was a business started by my grandfather
>and father.  The style of the "old iron" is definitely interesting.
>Since in the last few years I've found and now own two of the Fero Air
>Pumps, I know that they are still out there in service.  obviously, if you
>run across any of 'em, let me know.  8-))
>See ya,  Arnie

Hi Arnie (and Dolly),
         Great Stuff. Very interesting to see that they also had a "delete" 
key - just called it by another name in those days. See last paragraph:

         I've saved the logo (decal) into my collection and will redraw it 
into a vector drawing as soon as I get a chance. I'll let you know when 
it's done.

Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Tel. (016) 365-5787 or 083 283 7191
Visit our website for old engines in South Africa.

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