[SEL] BIG Iron

Judge Tommy Turner lcjudge at scrtc.com
Mon Jul 10 07:56:56 PDT 2006

You're right Michael, one piston is on power and the other on exhaust.  
The counter weights balance it out.  My smaller 2 cylinder has the throw 
180 degress out which means it would run like a JD, power, power, 
exhaust, exhaust and then repeat the process.  As for the Magnolia Old 
Iron Museum, one of these days.....

Tommy Turner
Magnolia, KY

> Tommy,
> Another beautiful hunk of iron for the Magnolia Old Iron Museum!  It 
> looks like the pistons are in the same relative position in the 
> cylinder so does this mean that the engine fires "evenly" with one hit 
> every revolution (unlike a John Deere tractor with an uneven "dead" 
> revolution)?  If so, how is the balance of the engine?  I guess that's 
> the reason for the big counter weights on the crank throws.
> So how 'bout that show at the Magnolia Old Iron Museum?
> See ya',
> Mike
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