[SEL] OT........bush fires in Australia

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 26 06:35:05 PST 2006

Because this is an "off topic" thread of limited  interest and that I don't want to invite the wrath of the "purists", I  will recommend the following for those who would wish to read the  lyrics to Jame Keelaghan's "Cold Missouri Waters".
 Using  Yahoo or some such, type in "Cold Missouri Waters" on the search  line.  You will be directed to a site called "mysongbook" and,  unless I am very wrong, these wonderful, poignant lyrics will pop  up.  If any of you are further compelled, I would advise that you  secure a download of the piece.  One British gentleman offered to  forward an MP3 of the song, but you should be able to stream in order  to enjoy it.
  Just a thought.

Richard Strobel <Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com> wrote:  Approximately 20 miles north of me..."Mann Gulch Fire of 1949"



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Moran" 
To: "The SEL email discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:42 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] OT........bush fires in Australia

> PO-
>   Thanks for the explanation...I thought that was the case.  I have  no 
> idea, of course, as to your musical taste but there is a folk-style  tune 
> called "Cold Missouri Water" that you might find compelling.   Based upon 
> a true story, it tells of a man named Dodge, chief of a jump  team that 
> went to fight a fire in Montana in 1949.  Of the fifteen  that jumped that 
> day, only two survived the ordeal, including Dodge who  bore the guilt of 
> his fallen comrades for years.  Quite a story  and piece of music.  You 
> can find it on the internet radio  services that specialize in the 
> acoustic/folk genre.  It has been  issued by James Keelaghan and Richard 
> Shindell. 
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