[SEL] Fairbanks Morse Dishpan Status

Steve Gray segray at mlode.com
Tue Jan 24 23:11:09 PST 2006

Hi Francis -

  Good to hear another FMC is now among the living. I have it's older 
brother, a 1916 headless 1 1/2 HP "Z" out in the shop now that is now 
(admittedly overly) restored and only needing gas, oil, water and a wire 
to the ignitor to fire it for the first time in many a moon. It was a 
FULL restoration from pouring new babbitt to rewinding the mag armature 
(first time I've tried that), to a complete cart fab. Had to fabricate 
several small parts for this one. Pictures are at:


See you in Tulare?

Steve Gray
Member EDGE & TA, Br. 13 & 27
Sonora, California USA
e-mail:   segray at mlode.com
Home page:   http://www.oldengineshed.com

FRM8198 at aol.com wrote:

>Hi List,
>Well, the Fairbanks Morse dishpan that I got at Christmas ran today  for the 
>first time.  It needed a fuel tank and the magneto required  re-charging.  I 
>finished installing the tank and fuel line with check valve  this afternoon.  
>Then, I poured some gas into the tank, cranked it over a  few time, and then 
>the sweet sound of it chugging away began.
>The previous owner told me that the last time this engine ran was  about ten 
>years ago.  It was a good thing for me that he had kept the  engine under 
>cover for all these years.  It made the job of getting engine  into a running 
>condition little easier.
>Francis  Maciel
>Santa Maria, CA
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

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