[SEL] PayPal Australia... your thoughts

Adam Cottrill adamcottrill at bigpond.com
Sun Jan 1 17:41:04 PST 2006

Hi everyone,
                   I got this from PayPal yesterday does anyone forsee any "localised" issues? or is really just minnor name changes?

thanks guys,

Dear Adam Cottrill, 

PayPal, Inc. is pleased to announce that we are preparing to introduce PayPal Australia Pty. Limited ABN 93 11 195 389 ('PayPal Australia') a PayPal group company incorporated in Australia, as the service provider for PayPal customers in Australia. 

This is a positive development that will help us to provide our Australian customers with improved localised services going forward. 

We anticipate that PayPal Australia will begin operating on 2 February 2006. 

Please note no action will be necessary on your part. You will be able to continue using your PayPal account as you do today. 

Your existing relationship 

Until PayPal Australia begins operating in February 2006, your customer relationship continues to be with PayPal, Inc. (a US company), under the PayPal User Agreement which is governed by Californian law. 

A new customer relationship 

With the introduction of our new Australian company, your customer relationship will automatically be transferred to PayPal Australia which we anticipate will occur on 2 February 2006. At that time we will introduce minor consequential changes to the User Agreement and its incorporated policies and the Privacy Policy, similar to the current agreements and with no adverse amendments from our customers' perspective but without US-specific references and modified to comply with Australian financial services and consumer protection requirements. 

PayPal Australia will provide the PayPal service to you under an intermediary authorisation agreement, pursuant to section 911A(2)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001, with PayPal, Inc. which currently holds an Australian financial services licence (No. 283443) 

If you do not wish to hold a PayPal Australia account and would prefer to continue your relationship with PayPal, Inc., you may only do so if you are a resident in the United States and your primary address in your PayPal account, as of 2 February 2006, is a legitimate postal address within the United States. 

If your primary address is not in the United States and you do not wish to receive services from PayPal Australia, you may close your account at any time, either before or after the transition. To do so, log in to your PayPal account and click 'Profile' to access the relevant link. 

Once the transition from PayPal, Inc. to PayPal Australia occurs, we will post updated versions of our User Agreement, policies and Privacy Policy to our Web site. Should you have any questions about these upcoming prior to 2 February 2006, please contact Customer Support by email or telephone by logging in to your PayPal account. 

Yours sincerely, 

PayPal, Inc.

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