[SEL] Fired up the Economy and New Years Baby

Rex Hinz rex002 at centurytel.net
Sun Jan 1 07:24:53 PST 2006

Good Morning List ;

   Last night at midnight I pulled the 2-1/2 hp economy out of the garage
and give her a good crank and presto I hit my self in the head with the
crank , after which some PG 13 words came out of my speaker system , I
mannaged to reconect the crank and spin her one more time and she fired up
and purred like a lion on steriods , I guess I didn't wake anyone as I heard
no shots or yelling' put her away ,went to bed and got woke up at 7:07 A.M.
this morning with a phone call from my Son Troy , he called to tell me his
wife just gave birth to a 8 lb 7 oz girl they named Holly , 2006 is startin
out GOOD , she was born at 7:01 AM  first new years baby in this county for
a few years ,  Happy New Year All !

Rex Hinz

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