[SEL] Portable Pony starter

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Wed Feb 22 10:03:48 PST 2006

Hi Don,

You've heard of Edd (The Engine Whisperer) Payne?
Well, you need to talk to Dave (The Ignitor Tickler) Rotigel.
He's the expert.  I'm a mere novice following his directions.

I will say that if you've got a rotary LT mag as your only source of
electricity and you're trying to start the engine by ticking the ignitor,
you're doomed to have nothing but a sore thumb and very puzzled
on-lookers.  8-))

However, if you add a battery and coil to the process while you're doing
the tickling, you might have the start of a plan.  But I'll let The Master
offer up the final word on the matter.

See ya,  Arnie

On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Don & Kay Fleming wrote:

> I would appreciate it if you would explain to me how to "Tickle the
> Ignitor"  on a 6 HP International with a low voltage magneto   I am sure I
> could do it with an external power source and some switching but have not
> figured out how to do it with the existing equipment.  Thanks in advance.

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