[SEL] Webpage updated/and how about a vote(now almost O.T.)

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Fri Feb 17 11:28:35 PST 2006

At 12:00 PM 17/02/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Message: 5
>Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 15:16:51 -0500
>From: Curt <curt at imc-group.com>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Webpage updated/and how about a vote
>I bet a solid red arrow with some text on an angle that says "We are
>here" would be just as good.
>I like your graphics with the pulleys and belt. Don't know what program
>you used but there is quite an effort to making something like that.
>Looks like you made a series of 3 graphics and looped them together. You
>can add more graphics with the spokes rotating at different speeds and
>maybe set the ratios like you want.
>I tried an annimated graphic years ago of a running Jaeger, my first
>engine. As I recall I did 4 or 6 frames, carefully rotating the spokes
>and getting the conn rod in the right place each increment. Even put
>some exhaust smoke puffing out. After all that work, I put it together
>with an animator, and would you believe it the damned flywheels were
>turning the wrong way! I sequenced it right, but the combination of
>frames and the amount I rotated each frame gives the appearance of
>turning the opposite direction the graphics are actually running. At
>that point I was sick and tired of the effort and filed it. I found it
>on the server a few minutes ago and put it on my website. Maybe you'll
>get a kick out of seeing a backward running Jaeger :-)
>Keep up the great work and graphics on you site. We're enjoy it.
>Curt Holland
>Gastonia, NC USA

Hi Curt
         I think you have it - that is the casting vote - I'll get working 
on it in the next day or 2. I'll take the flashing arrow out and replace it 
with a less annoying static arrow. I'll leave the "out of synch" pulleys as 
they are - the reason I did not want to make more frames to get them 
running smoothly was just because I wanted to keep the file size down (it 
is only 4 frames and 13 Kbytes as it is). I get very annoyed when something 
takes too long to open or download (I'm on dialup). That flashing arrow was 
really starting to annoy me as well.
         That Jaeger you did is great and adding the conrod was a good idea 
and must have taken some time. I would not worry about the appearance of 
the flywheel turning the wrong way - just like the movies - you often see 
old carriage wheels turning the wrong way - it has to do with the frame 
speed and the speed at which the human brain decodes the whole darn thing, 
I think. If it was good enough for Metro Goldwyn Meyer then it's good 
enough for me :-)
         Here is a site with a lot of animated engine gifs.

Keep the revs up (or down)
AND REMEMBER ------ <snip><snip><snip><snip><snip><snip>
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Tel. (016) 365-5787 or 083 283 7191
Visit our website for old engines in South Africa.

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