[SEL] Get it together Spencer

Curt curt at imc-group.com
Wed Feb 15 08:23:42 PST 2006

Jeff Allen wrote:

> There is absolutely no excuse for the crap on the SEL list. 24 hour, 
> 48 hour delay. Been there and done that with this and only this list 
> before. In my opinion it's not worth the bother. Change your so called 
> spam filters. They are nothing but a pain in the ass to list members 
> auction site was hacked last year, and now we have to put up with 
> this? Not worth the trouble for me. Call me gone!!
> Jeff

Early this morning I read your post several time trying to figure if you 
were being funny in some sadistic manner or pulling a fast one on us. I 
gather from the rest of the replies no one else sees the humor either, 
so I guess your bitch is real. Dude what gives? Are you off you meds? As 
nearly everyone has said, this is a free service and we all deserve 
Spenc a serious debt of gratitude for tolerating this group for doG 
knows how many years. It's a good thing he has a thick skin for if I was 
in his shoes I'd be tempted to turn the damned server off after a few 
outbursts like yours. Perhaps it is not so much thick skin as it is a 
much a much better developed maturity than you seem willing to represent 
yourself with on this list.
I've commented in the past on some of your outbursts directed at your 
club and its' members. I even suggested you find a new club since the 
one you are participating in seems to agitate you so much. And now 
this???!!! Me thinks you need to learn some manners! As the old saying 
goes "your mama taught you better".
We've all experienced long delays with posts on occasion. Some of my 
replies take 6 hours to post. I've even had my ISP research where the 
delay occurs. I don't even recall the source of the delay because it 
couldn't be corrected. But if it were with Spenc's server I sure as hell 
wouldn't bite that hand!
Again, Spencer is doing us a great service.  Literally most of us would 
have never met had it not been for the service he has provided free of 
charge to all of us. Regardless of your experience, you should be 
thanking him not criticizing him. I believe you own the fellow and this 
list an apology!
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC

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