[SEL] Ebay item !!!???
Mark Shulaw
frappi at wcoil.com
Sun Dec 31 17:53:21 PST 2006
Hi Edd, I'm not saying anyones being malicious or being dishonest, just
having fun yanking our chains. Its got to be a practicle joke. Theres an
old saying that applies here. Don't believe half of what you see and doubt
the other half.
I've pulled similar kinda jokes before. But at shows.
Happy New Year, Mark
At 08:32 PM 12/31/06, you wrote:
>I know the guy who is selling the stuff and this is not his caper to do
>this sort of thing.I have got several items of him of ebay without any
>trouble.I have also dealt with him privately and he has helped me out with
>info ect.I would say there is a bidder mistake in there somewhere surly.
>PO Box 364 Gulgong N.S.W
>edsengns at optusnet.com.au
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Shulaw" <frappi at wcoil.com>
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 11:58 AM
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Ebay item !!!???
>>At 04:07 PM 12/31/06, you wrote:
>>>On 31/12/06, Mark Shulaw <frappi at wcoil.com> wrote:
>>>>Ah thats just got to be someones idea of a joke. A way to get everyones
>>>>attention. For my oppinion I'd bet $$ the sellers in on the joke. Mark
>>>He is going to be pretty unhappy when the ebay sale commission invoice
>>>rolls through the door if that buyer doesn't pay up....
>>>Peter A Forbes
>>Hi Peter,
>>Some people have money to play like that. I just simply do not believe
>>that any one, let alone two people intentionally bid that money for real
>>on those parts. IMHO Its a hoax. It has to be someones trying to yank our
>> TTYL, Mark
>>Mark & Christine Shulaw
>>454 Co. Rd. 33
>>Bluffton, OH. 45817 USA Email: Frappi at wcoil.com
>>Your one stop on line source for Maytag Multi-Motor parts.
>>Parts lists available on request.
>>Weekdays & Saturday 10 AM to 10 PM Eastern Time 419.358.5206
>>Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM at cell #419.516.2996 If you have Verizon Cell
>>Phone you may call the cell number during the weekday hours. No Sunday
>>calls if possible.
>>I am not an employee or licensed dealer for Maytag Corp. Nor do I
>>represent them in any way shape or form. I am only a Collector,
>>Preservationist and hobby dealer of Maytag manufactured items of old. Mark
>>SEL mailing list
>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
Mark & Christine Shulaw
454 Co. Rd. 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817 USA Email: Frappi at wcoil.com
Your one stop on line source for Maytag Multi-Motor parts.
Parts lists available on request.
Weekdays & Saturday 10 AM to 10 PM Eastern Time 419.358.5206
Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM at cell #419.516.2996 If you have Verizon Cell Phone
you may call the cell number during the weekday hours. No Sunday calls if
I am not an employee or licensed dealer for Maytag Corp. Nor do I represent
them in any way shape or form. I am only a Collector, Preservationist and
hobby dealer of Maytag manufactured items of old. Mark
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