[SEL] 15 Horse Bessemer on eBay

fero_ah at city-net.com fero_ah at city-net.com
Sat Dec 30 08:30:54 PST 2006

Hi Richard,

What you're seeing is a pretty standard configuration for two-cycle oilfield
engines.  The piston rod screws into the piston and exits the rear of the
cylinder via a piacking gland.  The other end of the piston rod is screwed into
the cross-head which slides back and forth sort of like the carriage on lathe
ways.  The connecting rod attaches to the cross-head and the crankshaft via
two-piece brass bearings (referred to as "brasses").  Make sense?

See ya,  Arnie

Quoting Richard Fink Sr <nancydick at pennswoods.net>:

> Hey Arnie i am not in the smart set for this type engine. So question 
> is it appears that connecting rod is two pieces are my eyes seeing it right.

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