[SEL] Fw: My Sincere Belated Thank You
Dallas Cox
dcox at triad.rr.com
Sun Dec 17 05:53:28 PST 2006
I have forwarded this to the list from Jennifer Brookover.
Let us keep all our friends in mind.
Dallas & Linda
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Brookover" <ignitors at sbcglobal.net>
To: "Dallas Cox" <dcox at triad.rr.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 8:08 AM
Subject: My Sincere Belated Thank You
> Hi Linda and Dallas: Would you please send this thank you, from the
> Brookover family to our friends. Hope you're all well and Merry
> Christmas. Jen Brookover
> Dear SEL Friends,
> First, please forgive me for my tardiness in sending you a big thank you
> for the sensational floral arrangement you sent for Teddy's service. Your
> thoughtfullness was certainly shown in the beauty of the flowers. It
> meant so much to our family that so many of you were happily enjoying the
> start of the Portland show and when you heard the sad news about Teddy's
> death that day, you took time to care for us. We missed going to shows
> for the past 2 years but we sure had fun looking at pictures and recalling
> great memories we shared with each of you. He knew most of you better
> than I did but I felt close to each of you because of your kindess and
> friendship you shared with him. I would have liked to thank each of you
> personally but I asked Dallas and Linda to forward this on for me, as
> Teddy was our computer guru, not I.
> The past 4 months have been difficult, as one would expect but I've got
> Teddy's business partner--Don Miller flowing with the mag repair and
> ignitors and it's his business now and that's a big load off my shoulders.
> I've had a little health trouble, nothing major, simply the after affects
> of shock and change and trying to find a way to go on, as a 49 yr old
> widow, after 22 yrs of marriage. I'm blessed to have my 74 yr old mom
> around the corner and Teddy's folks are taking it one day at a time. We
> were blessed this week, with a new baby girl--Ava Coryn Swanstone. She is
> a great niece for Teddy and I and she is the first great grandchild for
> Teddy's folks and a girl no less! So, as they say new life can bring joy
> and it blessed our life this week, with her birth after having such
> sorrow. All of the family will be spending the holiday in my home and I'm
> blessed to have them.
> I send my warmest wishes for a happy holiday season for each of you and
> your families. May your new year be blessed with good health and love.
> Remember to always hope for tomorrow, live for today and enjoy the moment.
> Hug your loved ones, be grateful for the blessings we all receive every
> day-tho we may have to look a little hard somedays. God bless you all and
> I look forward to seeing all of you at a show again one day. Any of you
> are always welcome to visit our home, should you ever travel through
> Kansas City, my door is always open to old friends! Thanks so much,
> Jennifer Brookover
> Mrs. Ted Brookover
> 4801 E. Red Bridge Rd.
> Kansas City, Missouri, 64137
> 816-763-3142
> ignitors at sbcglobal.net , Home Page,
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/brookover/
> Ignitor ID Page, http://www.oldengine.org/members/brookover/ign-id.htm
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