[SEL] Ted Brookover

Gary Epps garyepps at fidnet.com
Tue Aug 22 18:07:14 PDT 2006

I am saddened and shocked by the news.  I knew Ted's illness was slowing 
down his involvement with engines and magnetos, but I didn't know that his 
illness had progressed so far.  I guess I am making an assumption, that he 
could have been injured in an accident.  I considered Ted a good friend 
although from a geographical distance.  I had the honor of spending an 
afternoon with him while he worked rebuilt a mag for me.  I thought I was 
going to leave it with him and pick it up later, instead he rebuilt it right 
then.  It was in rough condition and he had to make parts for it.  I was 
impressed with his skill and knowledge.

Tim, will you please keep us informed about the arrangements for his 
service, or will you be at Portland?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Christoff" <tchristoff at earthlink.net>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:39 PM
Subject: [SEL] Ted Brookover

> It is with deep regret to inform all who knew and loved him, Ted Brookover
> passed away this afternoon.
> Tim Christoff
> Basehor Kansas
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