[SEL] OT: Spoofs from Ebay Fakers

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 03:59:25 PDT 2006

On 12/08/06, Paul Pavlinovich <pjp at steamengine.com.au> wrote:
> Hover your mouse over the link in the email the one that looks like www.ebay.com/blah blah blah and you will find the
> real address of the fake site. If your mail software does not support this, then upgrade to something that does!
> Regards
> Paul

Agent (www.forteinc.com) is probably the best email and news client
available, and being text-based it doesn't automatically show HTML
on-screen, so it is pretty clear that the address is a spoof.

Any email from ebay that is not in plain text is also probably a fake....

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
Web: www.oldengine.org/members/diesel

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