[SEL] Keyway repair
James Yost
jnyost at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 20 09:45:28 PDT 2006
I have filled the old key way and then recut a new key
way 180 degrees. You can weld them up but watch
putting too much heat on the shaft.
My 2 cents worth, Jim
--- John Cullom <jhcullom at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Hi fellas, question here from the back row. The
> keyway on the flywheel shaft
> on my 7hp Galloway is buggered up pretty badly,
> consequently I'm not able to
> tighten up the flywheel sufficiently. Is it common
> practice to build it up
> by welding & then to cut a new keyway?
> Thanks,
> John
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Jim and Janna Yost
Utica, Ohio
jnyost at yahoo.com
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