[SEL] Hypocrites

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Wed Apr 19 06:23:28 PDT 2006

Hi Lyle,

Since it appears that you missed the earlier instructions on how to post
to Slick Willy, I'll add them again.  I've also copied this reply to Slick
so that you can see how easy it is to actually take this crap over to a
list where it can be debated to everyone's enjoyment.

	Subject: Re: Slick Willy Sign-Up Process

	Send an email to slick-request at toltbbs.com

	with only:


	in the subject and/or body of the message.
	You'll receive a reply within a few minutes.

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Lyle DeWitt Myles wrote:

> This will be my last post due to the fact I do not like hearing
> from Hypocrites. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Judging by your subsequent posts to the list on this topic, I'm guessing
that the comments about this being your "last post" were made for
rhetorical or dramatic effect.  Would that be hypocrisy on your part?

> I listen to Satin speak

Ahhh, would that be a reference to the panties that someone said you
appeared to have in a bunch?  Damn.

> some one disagrees with them and they claim that the person is a zealot or a
> nut.  No what they need to do is study their Bibles and not bring their
> garbage and unbelief's to the list.

And what does one do with all of the world's OTHER religions which do not
in any way regard the bible as special, let alone truth?  Generally
speaking, those who persist in going over the edge for their particular
flavor of religion are regarded as zealots.  I do find it interesting that
you equate zealotry with being nuts.  On that point we do agree.

> Any person in their right mind know what
> was discussed back and forth was pure garbage and the person who believes
> all bad people goes to hell will be leading the pack by spreading false
> Words about our Lord. And it is not just the Bible,

Again, you are fixated on your particular religion.  You do realize that
it's precisely this sort of religious intolerance that has lead to so many
bloody wars?  Why can't everyone just quietly worship whatever gods strike
their fancy and we all just get along?  As for me, the Neo-Druid Dead
Puppy Cult is welcoming all new members and we NEVER say anything bad
about any of the world's thousands of other religions (no matter HOW
goofy they are).

> There will be some of you idiots say
> good riddance to me and I say good riddance to all you hypocrites who think
> that your shit doesn't stink. I will pray for you in this life that someday
> you will understand just what friendship is, and sharing your ideas. Just
> maybe, yes just maybe some day you'll wake up and smell the roses before it
> is to late.

Lyle, did it ever occur to you that there are folks in other religions (or
none at all) who find the concept of being prayed for highly offensive?
Those who would be friends are sensitive to the beliefs of others.

I look forward to this thread continuing on Slick Willy rather than SEL.

And just in case anyone has still missed it, the instructions for joining
Slick are....

        Subject: Re: Slick Willy Sign-Up Process

        Send an email to slick-request at toltbbs.com

        with only:


        in the subject and/or body of the message.
        You'll receive a reply within a few minutes.

Is the horse dead yet, or do we need to deliver a few more good whacks?

See ya,  Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

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