[SEL] Hypocrites

Luke Tonneberger flywheelin at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 19 04:50:14 PDT 2006


I do not claim to be perfect, I'm far from it. I also make mistakes as I see 
you have by sending this message to the SEL(attached below). When you label 
youself as a christian and you speak in front of a group of 'non-belivers' 
they look to you as an example of a christianity. I think you should dust 
off your own bible and read James 3:3-12 specifically verse 10 and 
Colossians 3:8. After reading those verses please reread your post to the 
SEL below. Will you be going to the altar this Sunday?

To get back on topic for what this list was created for......  I had a 
pastor and his family stop by our house Sunday afternoon so they could see 
my engines and watch one of them run. I pulled out the 8hp Stover and 
cranked it up for them. It didn't start up at first, but then it ran fine 
once I put some gas in it. Shirley had a good laugh because I'm known to run 
everything empty.

Luke Tonneberger
Rockford, Michigan


>From: "Lyle DeWitt Myles" <lyle45859 at netzero.com>
>I listen
>to Satin speak through some list members that think a certain way and when
>some one disagrees with them and they claim that the person is a zealot or 
>nut.  No what they need to do is study their Bibles and not bring their
>garbage and unbelief's to the list. Any person in their right mind know 
>was discussed back and forth was pure garbage and the person who believes
>all bad people goes to hell will be leading the pack by spreading false
>Words about our Lord. And it is not just the Bible, it is a lot a subjects
>that do not have a darn thing to say about engines, shows or how to certain
>aspect in engine repair and rebuilding. There will be some of you idiots 
>good riddance to me and I say good riddance to all you hypocrites who think
>that your shit doesn't stink. I will pray for you in this life that someday
>you will understand just what friendship is, and sharing your ideas. Just
>maybe, yes just maybe some day you'll wake up and smell the roses before it
>is to late.
>Lyle Myles
>May the Lord be with each and everyone this beautiful day that the Lord has
>given each and every one of us to enjoy and behold.

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