[SEL] Hydraulic unit needs a new home

Rick Rowlands jrrowlands at neo.rr.com
Wed Apr 12 07:03:20 PDT 2006

Hmm, now thats an idea.  Hydraulic drive for the engine would be ideal 
assuming that it s powerful enough.  Can you take some pics of it and give 
me any other info. on it if you have any?  I'll talk to an engineer friend 
and see if this unit would be capable of driving the Tod and what size of 
hydraulic motor I would need.

Can you get it to a motor freight terminal or load it on a truck?


Rick Rowlands
Tod Engine Foundation
2261 Hubbard Road
Youngstown, OH  44505

William Tod Co. 34" x 68" x 60" Cross Compound Rolling Mill Engine
Historic Mechanical and Materials Engineering Landmark

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Strobel" <Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com>
To: "sel" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: [SEL] Hydraulic unit needs a new home

>  Howdy all;
>    I was given this fairly good sized commercial hydraulic unit, used for 
> an elevator, and it's just taking up space.  3-phase, 15hp. 800 psi, ~2" 
> outlet.  Has the magnetic starter and a real razooo valving assembly.
>    Unless someone can give me a good idea on how I can use it, I would 
> like to find it a good home. I already have a nice hydra-pak so this is 
> way overkill for me.
>    The only BF I can come up with is "Driving the Tod."
>    Approximate dimensions are about three footlockers/steamer trunks 
> stacked.  Pump, motor are submersed, with big reservoir.  This is one 
> unit.
>    The price will be right as it was given to me.
>    thanx fer readin'
>    RickinMt.
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