[SEL] More Le Roi info

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 25 11:22:14 PDT 2005

Howdy back atcha Rick,
I "met" Ed Malcom, the Le Roi Man, when I posted a message on Smokstak about my 4cyl, flat-head Le Roi.
He replied direct to me and asked for my snail addy and then a few days later I got a very nice packet of Le Roi and Zenith carb. info.
In the first email he told me where to find the casting dates for the head and block on my engine.  I was pleased to see they matched.  5.22.34  IIRC
I did ask if he was kinda twisted to own 14 Le Roi engines, but he never answered that one.  8>))
Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Williamsburg, Michigan.... not brrrr yet.

Richard Strobel <Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com> wrote:
HOwdya all;

Apparently there's a guy who is known as the Le Roi Man. Clams to have 
quite a few Le Roi engines. I have never heard of him but might be able to 
answer some of our questions.

Go to ebay # 7546178859. On the Q&A click on "more" to see his info.

Hope this helps someone


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