[SEL] stationary-engine -- 10th Anniversary 19 September

Gary Epps garyepps at fidnet.com
Wed Sep 21 20:20:44 PDT 2005


As I hope I said at Portland, "Thank you for starting the list."  Also 
thank you for starting this thread.  While I have been a lurker most of 
the time, I have been a member since sometime in 1996.  I had discovered 
Gas Engine Magazine and answered and ad and bought my first engine in 
late 1996 while on a trip to Kansas and hauled a 1 1/2 hp John Deere E 
home to Michigan in the back of a 1995 Ford Taurus SW.

I have received an education on the list, met many friends and have many 
more that I have yet to meet.  I have received help and advice from 
friends on the list and have been able to offer a limited bit of help to 

As some others have said "Thanks for the trip down memory lane."


badams at tractors.bloomington.in.us wrote:
>     I want to say "Thank You" to all the past and present members of the 
> stationary-engine list.  I am honored to have contributed in some small 
> way to the many wonderful projects list members have organized and 
> participated in over the years.  I'm looking forward to the next ten years.
>     At Portland Gary Epps asked me when stationary-engine at indiana.edu 
> was started.  I thought it must have been after Portland in 1995 but 
> that was the best I could come up with.
>     Some research turned up the following email announcing the list on 
> the antique-tractor list.  I have found no list mail from 1995 but would 
> like to hear from anyone who has any messages from September of 1995.
> ____________________________________________
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 08:25:33 -0500 (EST)
> From: Brice Adams <adams at enif.astro.indiana.edu>
> To: Antique Tractor <ANTIQUE-TRACTOR at ledger.co.forsyth.nc.us>
> Subject: Stationary Engine list
>         I have started a list for stationary engines.  To subscribe send a
> message to majordomo at indiana.edu with the following line in the body:
> subscribe adams_stationary-engine
>         This list is under construction.
> A very special thank you for Spencer.  Without your encouragement and
> help, the list would still be just a thought.
> Brice
> ____________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> SEL mailing list
> SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
> http://www.stationary-engine.com/mailman/listinfo/sel

In the Ozark Mountains of South Central USA where both life and I move 
at a leisurely pace.

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