[SEL] Hurricane - Louisiana SEL Members

Bo mmco at cox-internet.com
Mon Sep 5 05:15:16 PDT 2005

This was sent on 9-3-05 and returned by POSTMASTER as undeliverable for 
whatever reasons so I will resend .

Tom , it`s hard to tell anyone what these folks need aside from money. I
personally have been donating food ( more than I can afford ) , clothing  ,
money ( again a lot more than I can afford ) and trying to help some find
jobs as they have NOTHING at all . My workers and friends have been doing
the same thing and what really hurts is trying to help people who have
ALWAYS worked for a living and hates to take a handout . Most of them are
still in total shock as you or I would be . I guess I can really say I know
how they feel because I have lost TWO HOMES and a business in fires with
nothing at all left . Each time that happened , I had to do just as they are
doing , hold my head high , trust in the almighty and be thankful for
FRIENDS . One difference being , I had a job to count on .
 At this time , I would NOT recommend going it alone in that area , and if
you do , you need a really strong stomach . You might check with your local
Red Cross and see if they would have something for you to do that YOU could
handle as I`m sure there would be something for everyone to do , from cooks
on .This is a disaster that I wouldn`t wish on my worst enemy ,let alone
family and friends .
In closing , I THANK everyone for their concern , their thoughts and prayers

Bo Hinch

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