[SEL] SEL Charity Auction (from Dolly & Jim)

fero_ah at city-net.com fero_ah at city-net.com
Mon Oct 24 15:18:29 PDT 2005

Passing this along to the list from Dolly as her email is currently FUBAR.

The scholarship idea was originally Leroy's.  It was discussed at Portland and
generally seemed to be an idea everyone approved of.  However, such an
enterprise is NOT without its difficulties, namely the legal aspects of
awarding scholarship funds in a politically correct way.  So we talked to a
group who were raising money for a similar cause, and suggested the possibility
of joining forces with their up and running scheme.  Dave, with his
considerable experience in the American further education system, was getting
in touch with them, but I'm not sure how far it got. I think their connection
between machine shop skills training and old engines was that the engine club
held its meetings in the college. It seemed that if we could say "We are
holding a charity auction and money raised will go to ...." beforehand, it
would probably inspire people to be more generous with a specific aim in mind.

There were a couple of points against it.  First of all, the existing engine
related charities to which the SEL proceeds go, ie the Tod Engine and Internal
Fire, still should get something from what we raise. And of course, for all
that he does, Spencer is free to chose his own particular recipient for some of
the funds. Also, the SEL is NOT exclusively American, so why should the money
go to an American Scholarship? To which the general idea was to TRY, to see if
we can get this to work.  If we can, we could have a general SEL scholarship
fund which could be paid out to a worthy student in any country.  

Ultimately, the skills needed for the restoration of old iron would be being
passed on to a new generation. It was an idea which met with a lot of approval
from those who were at Portland and the input of EVERYONE is really needed on

Whatever charities there are, there are certain to be dissenting folk - be it
tsunami relief, earthquakes, hurricanes etc.  If we  could find a SPECIFIC
cause for the money we raise which is approved by the majority of the group, it
would help greatly.  

As people have said before, engine-related charities are completely ignored by
the world in general, so if the SEL-raised funds are directed towards our own
hobby, while individuals give to external charities as their conscience
dictates maybe we could feel we are doing our own good in the world! 

Please contribute to this discussion.  As you have seen from the comments for
and against donating money to a well known cause such as the Red Cross, it
seems to be time to focus our fund raising ability.

Let me also add that no one person is driving this.  Leroy had the original
idea, I'm involved because I seem to be the one with the biggest mouth /
keyboard, Dave because of his knowledge of the US education system.  It is not
an ego-driven idea on anyone's behalf, simply a desire to find a universally
approved focus for our efforts.

All and any ideas and comments are welcome ... in fact, they are crucial, so
please, say what you think.

Whatever we do is not going to put anyone through college, but every little
helps and the aim of this would be to further the skills needed in this hobby.

So.  It's 11pm here in England, we're off to bed.  I expect a BRIMMING inbox in
the morning with all your comments!!

Dolly and Jim

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