[SEL] New Way Vertical 4 1/2 hp Model E, Type C

Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Tue Oct 11 05:52:34 PDT 2005

Thanks for the reply Tim.  I have a fairly good idea now on where the carb 
is located and was very surprised to see it way down next to the base. 
Makes sense tho seeings as how there's no fuel pump.  I've got a classic 
Zenith which I'll use until the right one shows up.  I've contacted all the 
vendor's ..to no avail.  50 rocket finder fee to anyone who can find me 
one!! for a decent price.

  Is there anyone on the list that has a New Way and can snap a few 
pix's?..you'd be my friend forever..this is a very kewl engine!!!

  Seeings as how this is spark plug fired, do I need a Buzz box, i.e. Ford 
coil or equivalent?  I see what appears to be a spark saver.  Wouldn't it be 
kewl also to find a New Way Spark Plug?  guess they imported the porcelain.

  And on another final note (and the crowd goes wild), whatcha all think 
about lifting a engine using the spark plug hole?  I personally don't like 

Ya'll have a nice day

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Christoff" <tchristoff at earthlink.net>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 9:04 PM
Subject: RE: [SEL] In need of a BIGGER doghouse:-)

> >   It's a 4 1/2 hp, stuck, and need a carby bad for it.
> > and a close up of the fan.  Is that an oil line and does this baby have
> an
> > oil pump?
> It is an oil line but it does not have an oil pump and those lines don't 
> do
> much good, you usually need to oil the fan manually from time to time. 
> The
> mixer will set you back around $125-$150 if you can find one.  My guess is
> you will have better luck getting someone to cast one for you.
> Tim Christoff
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