[SEL] Salesman Sample was Re: transport

Germoamer at aol.com Germoamer at aol.com
Wed Nov 30 17:09:26 PST 2005

In a message dated 11/30/2005 7:24:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
lcjudge at scrtc.com writes:

<<  But, I don't think he really 
 wanted to sell it at the time. >>


Dick did not want to sell at that time as he said that he did not need the 
money and if it was worth that kind of money to someone it was worth that to him 
also.  Dick would save us a space to set up my trailer in front of his motor 
home at Kinsers and over a couple of years I spent several hours in his motor 
home looking over the engine.  It was a real beauty, somethng that you feel 
fortunate to have seen and put your hands on once in your life.  I probably ran 
my fingers over every inch of it in total amazement that exacting salesman 
samples had been made of an engine.  If the truth is known I probably drooled 
slobber a few times too.  HA!  I never asked Dick if it was for sale as I knew it 
was way out of my league.  I will have to see if I can find my photos of it.

I believe Dick told me that some wanted to take his and get precise 
measurements to make them, but I do not know if this ever occurred.  Seems he might 
have been talking about the Kinsers club or something.  I do know that the last 
time at Kinsers he had to fight his way in with the motor home and as the week 
progressed he became more bitter about it, and when he pulled out he said he 
would never be back after going there for a long time.  

I am very sorry to learn about his passing.  Millie and I spent many days 
together at Kinsers with them.  She and Millie would head out one day and do some 
shopping together.  

You might consider putting your model in the barn rather than out behind it, 
as it would probably make a better "salesman sample" being kept inside!!!!

Tom Schmutz
Concord, Va. USA
Germoamer at aol.com

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