[SEL] OT .....Oil supplies

peter ogborne jopeter at omninet.net.au
Thu Nov 24 15:00:32 PST 2005

It is estimated that in three years time the worlds oil supples will have 
reached ''Peak Supply'' . This means that we will be on the down hill slide 
, more water coming out than oil.
If this is correct the ramifications are too terrible to contemplate. We 
have waited too long to start getting serious about alternative energy 
supplies .
An example of stupidity ..........here in my state of Western Australia a 
new base load power station has been brought on line , the fuel being used 
is distillate . That is because the planning did not make provision for the 
use of natural gas of which we have so much that it is more important to 
export it to bloody Japan than to use it ourselves.
Peter Ogborne
Little Grove ,Albany
West Australia
''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
jopeter at omninet.net.au 

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