[SEL] OT hwlp finding about a journeyman's card?
bill at antique-engines.com
bill at antique-engines.com
Fri May 27 08:55:03 PDT 2005
Too bad you can't use a verticle shaft - I've got a 18.5 hp Briggs twin
with vert. shaft - I'm thinking of working this rider that I got into a
butt-buggy, maybe power it with an antique....
Not sure what to do with it.
> Gus i have a couple 16 but don't remember if they are brigs or kohler if
> interested. central PA
> R Fink
> PA
> At 09:11 AM 5/22/2005, you wrote:
>>Heck Le roy you can get all kinds of cards at American Greetings store or
>>Hall mark
>>Ha ha You dont no of a lonly 16 hp hor shaft Kohler engine laying
>>around??? I just redid the whole front end ( gear bosxes,blades ect ) on
>>the front of my lawn rig ( Parker ) to ther toon of 500 bucks worth only
>>to have the engine eat a rod today... I still have that old engine to
>>trade for ??????
>>Gus in Ottawa
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