[SEL] Old trolly car engine

Tod Engine todengine at zoominternet.net
Tue May 24 17:48:11 PDT 2005

> When I was working on the K&WVR*  restoration many years ago Land Rover 
> loaned us
> a Landrover with lowerable guide rail wheels front & back to keep the 
> tyres on top of the rail.
> They wished to know if it was a working proposition.
> We found it great except for one day when we went through a cobbled 
> shunting yard with the rails set in the cobbles.
> The cobbles lifted the guide wheels out of the rails & as the track curved 
> we went charging across the
> yard at full speed with the steering locked. Thank god the brakes still 
> worked.


I di the exact same thing in Youngstown when I used to hay a hyrail truck. 
I was patroling our line and got to a grade crossing on a slight curve. 
Well the track went to the right and I went straight toward the curb!  Just 
a matter of backing up and dropping back in the flangeways.

My truck did not have the steering wheel lock, and I never had a moment's 
trouble with an unlocked wheel.  That truck actually tracked very well.


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